Managing Anxiety During the Covid-19 Lockdown
We designed a survey to gain a better insight into how the pandemic is affecting us all and have put together some strategies and suggestions on how to manage your anxiety during the nationwide lockdown due to Covid-19.
Home Monitoring Advice for Covid-19
This is a guide to the common symptoms of COVID-19, the steps you can take to care for someone who is ill and when to call for extra help. It is good to get prepared with some basic medical information on how to self-monitor or monitor a household member who you suspect has COVID-19.
Anyone Can Do Lip Fillers, But Do You Want Just Anyone Doing Them?
Today in our GP corner we discuss some of the issues around dermal fillers and our focus is on Lip Fillers. We are focusing on lip fillers as Dr Sloan is seeing a huge rise in people with lip fillers that have been incorrectly injected or with complications as a result of lip fillers they have received elsewhere.
GP Health Corner – Skin Cancer
After Brightonian’s had amazing weather over the summer months today's GP health corner topic is skin cancer, the 5th most common type of cancer in the UK. With all the sunshine comes the risk of radiation from the sun. The planet is getting warmer and with global warming high on the agenda, we know that our skin is getting more UV radiation than ever.